
Pin Bomb

Let’s talk about pinterest for a hot minute.

I got into it when they were still Beta testing, so it holds a warm spot in my heart.  Kinda like how I started watching Grey’s Anatomy from day one.  In my college dorm room.  When it followed Desperate Housewives.  I gave it a chance.  Truthfully, it was Sunday night and I wanted to prolong the weekend a tiny bit longer.  And while I was an avid fan back in college, I haven’t watched it much since.  Things got kinda weird with Izzy.  Right?  But whatever, I’ll still tell people I started watching it when it was a just a nothing show following the network hit.  Because I’m sure people care about that.  Sidenote – as a Seattleite, I also love telling people how it’s totally not an accurate depiction of Seattle.  No surgeon would live a ferry ride away from work.  And McDreamy definitely wouldn’t live in the mountains  – that’s a solid 45 minute drive from the hospital and people’s lives are at stake!

But that’s neither here nor there.

Pinterest is super fun.  It’s mostly for girls planning weddings and parties.  Or for girls who want to find cute clothes to wear or accessories for their outfits.  Or for girls planning trips to exotic destinations, or drooling over exotic destinations they will never be able to go to (a  girl can dream, right?).  It’s also for girls who like to capture crafty things they might someday do (doubt it?).  Or foods they wish/hope to someday make and eat (but probably won’t).  It’s also a spot for girls who want to their house to look like something out of Dwell or Better Homes and Garden.  Basically, it’s a spot to keep track of all the crap we search for online.

It’s funny.  Because I have yet to have a guy friend really get into it.  But every few days, I see dudes sign up.  If there are any men reading this who are active on pinterest.  Send me a note.  I want to see your pins!

Which leads me to a “pin bomb.”

I made this word up while sitting on the couch last night.

I enjoy pinterest.  I use it to keep track of things I’ll probably never do and probably never buy.  But it’s totally worth it.  One of these days I will make something or buy something I’ve pinned.  (Kinda being dramatic, I’ve actually cooked/baked a couple things I’ve pinned and use the crafts as inspiration).

So last night I pinned some Toms.  You know, the hipster shoes that promise to give a poor child in a developing nation a pair of shoes for every pair you purchase?

Cute right?  Saw them at Nordstrom and thought they’d be a cute summer shoe.  So I pinned them.

I’m currently at 23 likes, 2 comments and 164 repins (as of 10:30PM).

Anyone on pinterest understands the awesomeness of a repin or 2.  It’s validation that what I think is cute, is also cute to someone else.  We all need it 🙂

So I said to Nick, I just made a pin bomb.

Pin Bomb – when you pin something that is so awesome, it garners immediate repining by at least 40 people.

I wasn’t the popular girl in high school and I don’t have 1000+ Facebook friends.  But that’s ok.  Because I just got 100+ repins.

One reply on “Pin Bomb”

I’m 13 repins shy of a “pin bomb”!!

P.S. I too saw those TOMS at Nordstrom’s and thought they were super cute!

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