
My finishers photo is better than yours

I got an email from Laura – my partner in crime this past Sunday.

She had received an email for our race photos.

Every race I’ve ever been in has had race photos.  And they are always super lame.  I sort of stopped looking.  But the text of her email was something like, “I’m DYING of this photo of you at the finish line.”  I sort of felt sick at the finish, so I really had no idea what to expect.

And then I saw this little gem.  Clearly screen capped from sportphoto, thanks!

He ran faster than me.  So maybe there’s something to this.  Although, if you notice, he’s got shoes on.  Tsk tsk.  A true naked runner would have embraced the barefoot running craze 🙂

But seriously.  Do any of you runners out there have a more entertaining finish photo?  I think I win.

One reply on “My finishers photo is better than yours”

you should’ve tagged this post to generate more blog hits–i bet you could really get them to skyrocket again! HA.

it’s just too funny that this was your photo!!!

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